Friday, April 29, 2011

Corby's Collision In Vacaville: A Trusted Body and Paint Shop

Corby's Collision has been in business for 47 years in Vacaville, California. Current Owner, Paul Troutner, took over the company in November of 1993. They moved the business to the current 9,000 square foot facility in 1998.

Paul was born and raised in Fairfield, California but, because of his love for the town of Vacaville he moved his family there in 2000. Paul has not only come to love the town but, the people who live there as well and is on a "first name" basis with most of Corby's customers.

When you do business with Corby's Collision you will not only deal with their qualified and professional staff but, also with Paul himself. He is an Owner/Operator and likes to be "hands on" with everything that goes in and out of the shop.

Corby's Collision, Inc.
1330 Callen
Vacaville, CA 95688

Fax: 707-448-2736
Phone: 707-448-1696

Hours of Operation:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Monday, April 25, 2011

Funny And Unusual Car Parking And Crashes

Can't imagine how some of these accidents could have happened! Could you park your like this?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Art of Car Fabrication

Car fabrication is a growing trend among automotive enthusiasts. It is considered an art by many, with each vehicle treated as a canvas. Since no two persons are the same, automotive fabrication is a great way of ensuring that a car is also as unique as its owner.

Customization is normally done in two ways. First, a vehicle may be customized to enhance its performance, often by engine tuning or replacing the transmission. The second way is by changing or customizing a its appearance to give it its distinct look. These two processes are usually done in a car to give it a complete makeover.

Custom parts fabrication has become so popular in recent years. While there are plenty of after-market accessories and parts available, many automobile enthusiasts who wish to create a truly one-of-a-kind look for their cars rely on custom fabricators to design and manufacture car parts. Custom grilles, wheel wells, roll cages and more can be designed and manufactured to exact specifications.

One indication of the popularity of car fabrication is the fact that many professional auto restorers are now offering this service. Needless to say, mastering this craft takes time, money, and talent, like any other form of art. For those who don't have these resources at their disposal but are interested in customizing their cars, it is wise to entrust the process to experts who specialize in car customization. They can transform one's idea of a unique car into reality. Because of them, any car owner's dream car can come true.

Article Source:

Monday, April 18, 2011

What a Collision Repair Specialist Can Do to Restore Your Car

Corbys Collision Vacaville

If you think a collision repair specialist is a simple car mechanic: think again! A more apt name for him is a "car restorer." His job is to actually restore your car as closely as possible to its original condition following an accident. It is one of the most difficult, highly-involved types of car repair tasks in the industry, so you want to choose an experienced shop to perform collision repair should your car ever need it. Here is a quick overview of what a collision repair specialist can do to get your car looking and running like its old self again.

He makes a thorough diagnosis of what needs to be done

Even with the aid of computer diagnostic tools, a collision repair specialist must still be something of a jack-of-all-trades. He has to know what to look for when it comes to damaged internal systems: electrical, air conditioning, engine troubles, brake systems, transmission, and so forth. To all this he must be able to determine how to best restore a body's external structures. If restoration is not cost-effective, he must be knowledgeable enough to authoritatively declare the vehicle a total loss.

He works from the inside out

A good collision repair technician understands that what's going on inside is just as important as how the car looks on the outside. Too many so-called collision repair techs take short cuts when it comes to a car's internal frame reinforcements: the result is a car that is actually less safe in the event of another collision! After all the car's systems are repaired, a real professional will restore or even improve upon the vehicle's internal structures before moving on to exterior body work.

He makes it look like nothing ever happened

Once the internal systems are repaired and the frame is restored to its original (if not better) condition, it's time for the collision expert to work on the car's body. This skin is usually comprised of a combination of steel, aluminum, composite materials, plastic, and glass: all of which give the car its distinctive look. A collision repair service will employ a variety of experts who work together to restore a car's exterior using a broad range of state-of-the-art techniques and parts. They will make it look like nothing ever happened at all.

Your car can look and perform like its old self again, both inside and out. Just be sure you choose the right collision repair specialists to make this happen.

Article Source:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dangers Texting While Driving

Texting while driving is dangerous and drastically reduces your reaction time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1955 Rambler Cross Country Wagon With All Season Air Conditioning Commer...

1955 Rambler Cross Country Wagon With All Season Air Conditioning Commercial

Those hot summer months are just around the corner! Don't put off having your car's air conditioner serviced...come in today before the heat wave is here.

Corby's Collision, Inc.
1330 Callen
Vacaville, CA 95688

Phone: 707-448-1696


Fax: 707-448-2736

Hours of Operation:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Seven Vital Facts About Your Car's Air Conditioning System

Air conditioning, which was once a great luxury, is now a common feature on most motor vehicles. While the servicing of modern car air conditioning systems is best left to professionals, you can get the most enjoyment from your ac system if you know a bit about how it works and what malfunctions you should be on the lookout for.

1. Odd smells coming from the air conditioning may be caused by bacterial buildups

As your car becomes older, or when the air conditioning system is used infrequently, bacteria, micro-organisms, mold and fungi may start growing, just behind the dash panel on the evaporator causing some very unpleasant odors. Some even claim this can result in headaches and flu like symptom sometimes referred to as "sick car syndrome."

This problem can be solved by using an anti-bacterial treatment that destroys the bacteria growth and leaves your car smelling fresh again.

2. If you car does not feel cold enough, then you may need to recharge your system

If you feel that your car doesn't feel as cold as your friend's car, then your system may need servicing. The air conditioning system in your vehicle is not usually covered by most manufacturers servicing schedules and the refrigerant gas that is used to operate the system depletes over time. On average most vehicles lose up to 15% per annum. This leakage can be caused when then system is not used during the winter months. Thus allowing the small "O" ring seals to dry out resulting in a gradual deterioration in system performance. If this continues, eventually the system will not be able to operate at all.

Most problems of this type can be put right fairly easily by a leak check of your system followed by a complete refill of your air conditioning refrigerant, this is sometimes referred to as a re-gas.

3. Running your air conditioning year round will help maintain the system

If you run the air conditioning in the winter it will help to keep the system well lubricated and leak tight. This is because the refrigerant actually carries the oil that lubricates the system and most importantly the compressor. It also keeps the seals and hoses moist, thus preventing them from drying out and cracking which can lead to leaks.

4. Strange noises coming from the air conditioning should be attended to immediately

If your air-con system suddenly starts making noises you have not heard before it is very advisable to have a qualified vehicle air conditioning specialist to have a look at it.

Some noises could be early symptoms of a compressor failure (the compressor is the air conditioning pump).The compressor is usually the most expensive part on the system ranging from approximately £230 to £600+ and if the bearings in your compressor break down or if the compressor seizes up it also means that other components can become contaminated with metal particles A flush of the system would then be needed as well as replacement of the compressor, the receiver/drier and the expansion valve - quite a hefty bill!

5. Don't worry about a pool of water forming under your car after using the A/C

If you see a puddle of water on the ground, usually under the passenger area don't be alarmed. This is a normal feature of the system as it is only water dripping from the air conditioning evaporator. The evaporator has a drain tube fitted to allow the condensation from the evaporator to drain away from the vehicle.

6. Excessive moisture inside the car can be fixed easily

Sometimes the drain tube from the evaporator may become blocked or detached allowing the condensation to build up inside your evaporator. If this occurs water will just build up inside your car to a point where there are damp carpets or misting / high humidity type problems. These problems can be solved with low-cost servicing.

7. Have your air conditioning serviced regularly, even if there are no visible problems

Just as the other systems of your car need servicing on a regular basis, the same is true for the air conditioning system. The compressor needs oil, or else it will seize up. The filter collects debris and moisture. If the filter becomes blocked, then the performance of the system will deteriorate and it can even quit working entirely (probably when you need it most!)

Normally the refrigerant gas in a car air conditioning system has to be recharged completely within four years from the manufacture date and thereafter every two to three years.

An annual servicing of your car's air conditioning system will guard against malfunctions in the compressor and other vital parts of the system. Regular maintenance will save you money in the long run and guarantee you comfort in the hottest months.

Article Source:

Monday, April 4, 2011

The History of Automotive Repairs - Why We Need Trained Technicians in the Collision Repair Industry

Vehicle History Overview

* They don't make them like they used to.

The First Cars

* The first motor cars were nothing more than a buggy and engine (Generally repaired by blacksmiths and carpenters. These cars were very expensive, which only the wealthy could afford)
* Model T was the first car mass production on an assembly line in 1908 (Ford's Vision was to produce an affordable car the average person could purchase)
* Model T's came in black only to keep the costs down. (The price came down once the assembly line was streamlined, but in 1908, the cost for a Model T started at $825. By 1913 the cost of the car reduced to $550)

Cars in the 1960s

Cars were made the same basic way up through the 60s

* Body Over Frame
* Rear Wheel Drive (Same concept, but the cars were very big, bulky, and heavy)

Except people in the 60s wanted SPEED! They achieved this with Big Block Motors, which created a lot of Horsepower. (The Birth of Hotrods, Rat Fink, Flames, and Pin Striping).

Cars in the 1970s

* The government place strict fuel economy and emissions control laws
* Customers demanded cars with increased fuel economy
* New laws and customer demands started the automotive explosion of engineering ideas and changes in the automotive industry

Changes to comply with Demands and Laws

* Smaller bodied cars and smaller engines
* Aerodynamics (Increase Fuel Mileage)
* Lighter cars by using different materials and designs
* More work-hardened areas created during formation of panel (Body Lines)
* Safety

Construction of Interstate Highways + Higher Speed Limits + More High Performance Cars = Accidents and More

Deaths from Auto Accidents

Federal Laws were passed to regulate safety. These laws included:

* Installation of seatbelts
* Safety glass windshields
* Head restraints
* In 1979, the first driver side airbag was introduced
* Airbags are mandatory in motor cars produced after 1990
* Unibody Torque Boxes: Allow controlled twisting and crushing
* Crush Zones: Made to collapse during collision (To act as an absorber, absorbing the impact)

Modern Day Cars

* Carbon Fiber Parts
* Aluminum Parts
* More Plastic Parts
* High Strength Steel
* Boron Steel
* Unibody Construction
* Space Frame Construction
* Computer
* Hybrid Cars

Now they even have cars that will tell you when you're lost, where to turn, Parallel Park for you.


While the modern day cars appear to be made cheap and unsafe, they are actually designed to crush or collapse, while transferring the energy around the stronger passenger compartment to protect the passengers from injury.

There is considerably more damage to modern day cars during a collision than the older vehicles, which gives the perception that "they don't make them like they used to". However, in reality the cars are taking the impact instead of the passengers.

The lesson was designed to give you a little history, but to also emphasize that just a hammer, dolly and a few wrenches are not going to repair today's cars. We need highly trained collision repair and automotive technicians to repair today's vehicles.

Article Source:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Snowy Car Crashes

The most accidents at one intersection than I have ever seen.