Friday, December 30, 2022
Should I Have My Car Repaired?

- "Won't my insurance rates go up?"
- "The damage isn't that bad... Can't I just wait and have it done later?"
- "I'm selling the car soon anyway so why bother?"
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Fleet 101: What is Torque?
Friday, December 23, 2022
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Old Car vs Modern Car during Crash Test / Evolution of Car Safety
The first models and designs for automobiles were created in the 15th century by none other than Leonardo da Vinci, and the state of the global auto industry has evolved significantly since. First steam, to electric, gasoline, and today’s hybrids, the evolution of safety features in cars plays an essential role in reducing the once overwhelming number of injuries and damages resulting from auto accidents. Auto manufacturers have come a long way over the history of auto safety, paving the way for improved global safety standards.
Unfortunately, as a vehicle ages, a number of factors come into play that reduce the automobiles safety, aside from mechanical wear and tear. According to statistics, a driver is 10 times as likely to suffer fatal injuries in a collision while operating a 30-year-old vehicle versus a late model. The auto industry is continually working to improve the safety of current mechanisms, as well as developing and testing new ideas for safer vehicles. Developments in driving technology and new types of airbags have been prevalent just this year.
While the ultimate safe vehicle may be a long way off, American auto manufacturers have made significant strides in improving the overall security and protection a vehicles structure provides. Over the past 3 decades, fatal accidents in the U.S. have decreased by more than 1/5, a substantial decrease demonstrating immense progress in terms of the safety features in cars.
The need to revolutionize auto safety was not fully realized until the 1950s, when the first usable airbags were developed, among other safety mechanisms. Then, in 1970, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) was created. The organization still uses the same name today, and continues its role in promoting and effectively executing driving safety regulations throughout the U.S. Whether creating new policies or revising existing regulations (at the state and federal level), the NHTSA and the United States have been true catalysts in the history of car safety.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
The Dangers of Over-Inflated and Under-Inflated Tires
There are many reasons why you should take good care of your car. Not only is your vehicle a very expensive investment that you want to last for as long as possible, but your safety can also be at risk if your car is not performing at its best. One of the most overlooked factory scheduled car maintenance requirements for ALL vehicles is tire care.
Tires should be in good condition at all times. And as soon as they begin to show signs of wear and tear, it is time to have them replaced. In between tire replacement, your tires require regular rotations and balancing, as well as daily air pressure monitoring.
If you fail to take good care of your tires, they can begin to lose their ability to do their job, which can put your safety at risk. Tire pressure is a common problem that can influence your overall tire performance and safety. Be sure to routinely inspect your tires for proper inflation; you don't want them to be over or under-inflated.
The Dangers of Under-Inflated Tires
Bulges can form in the tire walls, which can weaken areas of the tires, and put them at a higher risk of blowing out on the road.
Under-inflated tires will cause reduced fuel efficiency, which affects a driver's budget and vehicle reliability.
Under-inflated tires will impede vehicular mobility, which can be dangerous in the defensive driving scenario and inclement weather, and while navigating small spaces.
The Dangers of Over-Inflated Tires
Over-inflated tires can cause an increase air temperature within them, which can lead to sudden blowouts while driving. They can also lead to an imbalance of contact on the road among all four tires, which can hinder vehicular mobility and handling.
According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):
A tire that is 25% above the recommended air pressure is 2 times more likely to be involved in a collision.
A tire that is 25% below the recommended tire pressure is 3 times more likely to be involved in a collision.
There are virtually 11,000 tire-related motor vehicle accidents every year.
Nearly 75% of roadside flats are a result of improper tire pressure.
Flat Tire?
If you get a flat as a result of over or under-inflation, you can try to repair it yourself if you have a spare tire or an emergency roadside kit. If you are not capable of repairing or changing your flat, you can contact a local towing company for 24-hour roadside assistance service.
They can respond to your location within a short amount of time, repair your tire, or tow you to the location of your choice. Whether it is 3 o'clock in the morning or 5:30 rush hour, they have the resources to get you back on the road in no time at all.
Article Source:
Thursday, December 15, 2022
The Importance of a Properly Installed Windshield
The vital role a windscreen plays in the safety of your vehicle cannot be overstated. Every time we turn the ignition we place our trust in our vehicle. Our safety and that of our passengers, other motorists and pedestrians is reliant on our vehicle’s components meeting all necessary safety standards.
Windscreens form a key part of your vehicle's safety restraint system (SRS).
SRS has been developed to keep the driver and passengers inside the vehicle during an accident. Provisions for seat belts and air bags are found in the SRS, and each component within the SRS must be functioning for the vehicle to be deemed safe.
Occupant ejection and head injuries account for a large proportion of fatalities in road accidents. Maintaining the integrity of the windscreen is integral to the prevention of such occurrences as the windscreen helps keep passengers inside the car while supporting the roof and the airbags when activated.
For optimal safety, always repair a windscreen as soon as the damage occurs. Repair can save the windscreen and in doing so maintain its original factory seal, which will help reduce the risk of air and water leakage.
Hiring a trained specialist to fix your windscreen is paramount, which is why it pays to use an AGA member who understands the standards, has access to the latest technical advice and abides by a code of practice. Click here for a list of auto glass technicians because
when it comes to safety, there should be no compromise.
A word on wiper blades…
Who has waited for the next rainy day before remembering their wiper blades need changing? Even though maintaining vision in inclement weather is critical, for some reason wipers aren’t seen as a priority. The AGA recommends wipers are changed regularly, at least twice a year.
Monday, December 12, 2022
What Are the Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents?
What are the most common causes of auto accidents? Safety experts agree that the number-one cause of accidents is human error.
Almost all crashes can be prevented by more careful behavior and responsible conduct and driving habits. In more recent years, this is commonly known as "Distracted Driving" and it takes on many different forms.
The most common mistakes drivers make include drinking and driving; speeding; drag racing other vehicles; driving while fatigued; and distractions involving applying make-up, talking, singing, passenger misconduct or immaturity, eating or drinking, texting, browsing social media sites or other activities involving smart phones. But in many cases, simply not paying attention and being mentally distracted by personal matters can cause drivers to drift out of the lane, run red lights and stop signs or break other basic traffic rules.
These "Distractions" and many others have caused many, many terrible, needless and life-changing accidents that were otherwise avoidable or preventable.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Keeping Your Car (and Truck) Sensors Clean | Consumer Reports
Monday, December 5, 2022
Ask An Expert - Towing and Hauling Tips with Mark Hellwig
Hellwig Suspension Products CEO, Mark Hellwig has been in the load and sway control business his whole life. Over the years he has learned a few things about towing and hauling.
Mark shares a few tips and pieces of advice for proper and safe towing and hauling in this video.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Corby's Collsion - ASE Certified