Thursday, January 30, 2025

How Not To Drive Your Car On The Road

In these type of videos I'm trying to show situations on the roads which are for educational purposes, so the drivers can learn from other mistakes, not their own.

Monday, January 27, 2025

SAFE STEPS Road Safety: Speed Limits

We all have a role in road safety! So follow these SAFE STEPS to play your part and help save lives. - Obey speed limits - - Slow down at high risk areas - - Keep a safe distance - SAFE STEPS Road Safety is a pan-Asian public service initiatives aimed to raise awareness and provide clear and simple life-saving educational messages on road safety. Acclaimed actress and producer, Michelle Yeoh is the SAFE STEPS Road Safety Ambassador. This programme is created and developed by Prudence Foundation, in partnership with National Geographic Channel and the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA). All SAFE STEPS Road Safety tips have been approved by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). For more information please visit:

Friday, January 24, 2025

Texas Metal S07E12 '49 Ford Rust to Royalty

A while back, a customer asked Bill to rebuild a rusty '49 Ford truck as a gift for her dad. The team has given it their all to finish a one-of-one, hand-built masterpiece with a Coyote engine -- and one of the best presents a dad could ever imagine.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What Happens if Your Car is Totaled?

What does it mean to have a totaled car after an accident? Here we discuss the meaning, the effects, and the steps you should take if you find yourself in such an unfortunate situation. #KBB

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Driving Defensively for CDL Drivers

This training video is for Commercial Drivers License CDL holders and teaches them how to drive defensively while operating big rig, semi trucks and other large delivery vehicles.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Best & Worst Cars of 2024 | Talking Cars with Consumer Reports #462

Of the dozens of new cars Consumer Reports tested this year, these are the best (and worst) according to the entire staff of CR’s Auto Test Center. This team not only keeps the track up and running, but we’re all part of the evaluation process - see what our Talking Cars crew, as well as those behind the scenes, thought were the best and worst cars we tested in 2024! Join CR at to access our comprehensive ratings for items you use every day. CR is a mission-driven, independent, nonprofit organization.

Consumer Reports

Thursday, January 9, 2025

What Are the Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents?

What are the most common causes of auto accidents? Safety experts agree that the number-one cause of accidents is human error.

Almost all crashes can be prevented by more careful behavior and responsible conduct and driving habits. In more recent years, this is commonly known as "Distracted Driving" and it takes on many different forms.

The most common mistakes drivers make include drinking and driving; speeding; drag racing other vehicles; driving while fatigued; and distractions involving applying make-up, talking, singing, passenger misconduct or immaturity, eating or drinking, texting, browsing social media sites or other activities involving smart phones. But in many cases, simply not paying attention and being mentally distracted by personal matters can cause drivers to drift out of the lane, run red lights and stop signs or break other basic traffic rules.

These "Distractions" and many others have caused many, many terrible, needless and life-changing accidents that were otherwise avoidable or preventable.

Monday, January 6, 2025

The History of Automotive Repairs - Why We Need Trained Technicians in the Collision Repair Industry

Vehicle History Overview

* They don't make them like they used to.

The First Cars

* The first motor cars were nothing more than a buggy and engine (Generally repaired by blacksmiths and carpenters. These cars were very expensive, which only the wealthy could afford)
* Model T was the first car mass production on an assembly line in 1908 (Ford's Vision was to produce an affordable car the average person could purchase)
* Model T's came in black only to keep the costs down. (The price came down once the assembly line was streamlined, but in 1908, the cost for a Model T started at $825. By 1913 the cost of the car reduced to $550)

Cars in the 1960s

Cars were made the same basic way up through the 60s

* Body Over Frame
* Rear Wheel Drive (Same concept, but the cars were very big, bulky, and heavy)

Except people in the 60s wanted SPEED! They achieved this with Big Block Motors, which created a lot of Horsepower. (The Birth of Hotrods, Rat Fink, Flames, and Pin Striping).

Cars in the 1970s

* The government place strict fuel economy and emissions control laws
* Customers demanded cars with increased fuel economy
* New laws and customer demands started the automotive explosion of engineering ideas and changes in the automotive industry

Changes to comply with Demands and Laws

* Smaller bodied cars and smaller engines
* Aerodynamics (Increase Fuel Mileage)
* Lighter cars by using different materials and designs
* More work-hardened areas created during formation of panel (Body Lines)
* Safety

Construction of Interstate Highways + Higher Speed Limits + More High Performance Cars = Accidents and More

Deaths from Auto Accidents

Federal Laws were passed to regulate safety. These laws included:

* Installation of seatbelts
* Safety glass windshields
* Head restraints
* In 1979, the first driver side airbag was introduced
* Airbags are mandatory in motor cars produced after 1990
* Unibody Torque Boxes: Allow controlled twisting and crushing
* Crush Zones: Made to collapse during collision (To act as an absorber, absorbing the impact)

Modern Day Cars

* Carbon Fiber Parts
* Aluminum Parts
* More Plastic Parts
* High Strength Steel
* Boron Steel
* Unibody Construction
* Space Frame Construction
* Computer
* Hybrid Cars

Now they even have cars that will tell you when you're lost, where to turn, Parallel Park for you.


While the modern day cars appear to be made cheap and unsafe, they are actually designed to crush or collapse, while transferring the energy around the stronger passenger compartment to protect the passengers from injury.

There is considerably more damage to modern day cars during a collision than the older vehicles, which gives the perception that "they don't make them like they used to". However, in reality the cars are taking the impact instead of the passengers.

The lesson was designed to give you a little history, but to also emphasize that just a hammer, dolly and a few wrenches are not going to repair today's cars. We need highly trained collision repair and automotive technicians to repair today's vehicles.

Article Source:

Friday, January 3, 2025

Essential Winter Driving Tips | Consumer Reports

From snow and ice to sleet and rain; winter weather doesn’t hold back. Be prepared with advice from Consumer Reports experts on how to drive through whatever winter throws at you. Check out
for the latest reviews, tips, and recommendations and subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

Consumer Reports