Car vibration is not uncommon. There are several causes of
vibration in cars, not all of them easy to cure. If you are an
experienced driver, the type of vibration might give you a clue as to
its cause. For most people, however, the reason is a mystery and they
are advised to seek professional help as soon as possible. A vibration
that is left unattended could develop into a serious fault and an
expensive repair.
Engine vibration can be easy to resolve or difficult and expensive. You can tell engine vibration if your car vibrates when idling. If you have a tachometer, the revs will vary with your foot off the gas pedal. Some engine vibrations only occur when driving, sometimes only on acceleration or after driving for a while. Here are the main causes of engine vibration in cars.
Car Vibration: Main Causes of Engine Vibration
Worn Spark Plugs: If your spark plugs or worn or dirty, they will tend to misfire and one or more cylinders will fail to function properly. Because all the cylinders are not operating as they should, this can set up a vibration in your engine, particularly if the problem is severe. If you feel an engine vibration, first check your plugs. Replace them if they seem dirty or worn and recheck your engine.
There may also be other compression issues such as carbon in the cylinders or mistiming of the firing sequence or valves. These problems are difficult for most people to identify, but are usually easily corrected by a trained mechanic. Another firing issue could be a lack of air. Make sure your air filter is clean and that there is nothing stopping the correct air/fuel mixture reaching the engine. This brings us to the next common cause of engine vibration in cars.
Loose Hosing: A loose air hose will likely affect the passage of air to the engine and also itself could be the cause of vibration. Air and vacuum hoses are important to the proper functioning of a vehicle. Check all the hosing and make sure none of is loose, disconnected or split causing leakage.
Belt Problems: Mistiming can be caused by problems with the timing belt. Other drive belts can also lead to vibration if they are loose or damaged. The timing and operation of the valves, fans and alternators are all belt driven, and problems with belts can lead to a number of different vibrations in the car. Make sure all the belts are tight and are undamaged.
The timing belt controls the timing of the opening and closing of the valves in the engine. This belt will possibly shriek if worn, particularly when you start the engine. You might also hear a whirring sound when idling. If your car is difficult to get started, not just in cold and wet conditions, or if you see spots of oil or other fluids on the belt, then it may need changing.
Carburetor Problems: A poorly adjusted carburetor can also cause shaking and vibration in the engine. A well-adjusted fuel intake system is essential for smooth running. The air and fuel mix should be just right, and your idle speed is also important. Give the carburetor a good clean out and adjust the idling speed until the engine is just ticking over, not so slowly that it coughs and cuts out but not racing.
Insecurely Fixed Engine: Car vibration under the hood while you are idling or waiting at lights can indicate lack of proper mounting of the engine. Check the motor mounts by idling in neutral. If the vibration reduces then it could be that the mounts are insecure. This will involve a professional inspection to be certain and is not a job most people can handle themselves.
Other Causes of Car Vibration
There are many other causes of vibration in cars other than engine vibration. Your tires might be misaligned, or axles or driveshaft can be slightly bent. One or more of your brake disks or rotors might be out of true which cause a vibration when you brake. If your wheel wobbles you could have worn tie rod ends, ball joints or your wheel bearings might need replaced. The wheel itself might have run-out, or not rotate completely circular.
Any of these issues can cause vibration, but only when driving. With most, the problem becomes more severe the faster you travel. If you feel a vibration when idling, then it is likely to be engine vibration. You can carry out the simple checks indicated above, but it is ultimately safest to have a qualified car mechanic check your vehicle over
A simple solution can rapidly become an expensive one if the correct remedial action is not taken quickly. Car vibrations must be dealt with rapidly, though there is often a simple solution for engine vibration in cars.
Engine vibration can be easy to resolve or difficult and expensive. You can tell engine vibration if your car vibrates when idling. If you have a tachometer, the revs will vary with your foot off the gas pedal. Some engine vibrations only occur when driving, sometimes only on acceleration or after driving for a while. Here are the main causes of engine vibration in cars.
Car Vibration: Main Causes of Engine Vibration
Worn Spark Plugs: If your spark plugs or worn or dirty, they will tend to misfire and one or more cylinders will fail to function properly. Because all the cylinders are not operating as they should, this can set up a vibration in your engine, particularly if the problem is severe. If you feel an engine vibration, first check your plugs. Replace them if they seem dirty or worn and recheck your engine.
There may also be other compression issues such as carbon in the cylinders or mistiming of the firing sequence or valves. These problems are difficult for most people to identify, but are usually easily corrected by a trained mechanic. Another firing issue could be a lack of air. Make sure your air filter is clean and that there is nothing stopping the correct air/fuel mixture reaching the engine. This brings us to the next common cause of engine vibration in cars.
Loose Hosing: A loose air hose will likely affect the passage of air to the engine and also itself could be the cause of vibration. Air and vacuum hoses are important to the proper functioning of a vehicle. Check all the hosing and make sure none of is loose, disconnected or split causing leakage.
Belt Problems: Mistiming can be caused by problems with the timing belt. Other drive belts can also lead to vibration if they are loose or damaged. The timing and operation of the valves, fans and alternators are all belt driven, and problems with belts can lead to a number of different vibrations in the car. Make sure all the belts are tight and are undamaged.
The timing belt controls the timing of the opening and closing of the valves in the engine. This belt will possibly shriek if worn, particularly when you start the engine. You might also hear a whirring sound when idling. If your car is difficult to get started, not just in cold and wet conditions, or if you see spots of oil or other fluids on the belt, then it may need changing.
Carburetor Problems: A poorly adjusted carburetor can also cause shaking and vibration in the engine. A well-adjusted fuel intake system is essential for smooth running. The air and fuel mix should be just right, and your idle speed is also important. Give the carburetor a good clean out and adjust the idling speed until the engine is just ticking over, not so slowly that it coughs and cuts out but not racing.
Insecurely Fixed Engine: Car vibration under the hood while you are idling or waiting at lights can indicate lack of proper mounting of the engine. Check the motor mounts by idling in neutral. If the vibration reduces then it could be that the mounts are insecure. This will involve a professional inspection to be certain and is not a job most people can handle themselves.
Other Causes of Car Vibration
There are many other causes of vibration in cars other than engine vibration. Your tires might be misaligned, or axles or driveshaft can be slightly bent. One or more of your brake disks or rotors might be out of true which cause a vibration when you brake. If your wheel wobbles you could have worn tie rod ends, ball joints or your wheel bearings might need replaced. The wheel itself might have run-out, or not rotate completely circular.
Any of these issues can cause vibration, but only when driving. With most, the problem becomes more severe the faster you travel. If you feel a vibration when idling, then it is likely to be engine vibration. You can carry out the simple checks indicated above, but it is ultimately safest to have a qualified car mechanic check your vehicle over
A simple solution can rapidly become an expensive one if the correct remedial action is not taken quickly. Car vibrations must be dealt with rapidly, though there is often a simple solution for engine vibration in cars.