Car accidents can be terrifying but being prepared will help take
some of the confusion and fear out of this horrible event. Whenever you
are traveling by car, particularly if you are going far or nobody is
expecting to hear from you for a while, be sure you have a cell phone at
hand. Keep it in the glove box so that you can get to it easily if
necessary but it will not be a distraction while driving.
Immediately after a car crash, assess injuries and what if any danger you are still in. As soon as possible, report the crash location and any injuries to you, your passengers, or other people involved in the accident. Do what you can for injured persons but do not remove them from the vehicle unless they are in immediate danger as this can make some injuries worse. Turn off the ignition in your vehicle to prevent fumes from building up and check the immediate area for dangers such as leaking fuel and fallen hydro wires.
Do not stand in the road as you may be hit by passing cars, move as far off the road as possible and use any markers or flares you have to draw attention to the accident scene and give other drivers time to stop or steer around. This is particularly important in serious crashed where vehicles cannot be moved or when on unlit country highways at night.
Photograph the crime scene if possible so as to provide as much information to the authorities as possible and then move vehicles off the road if possible. If there is little damage to any of the vehicles involved and nobody is seriously injured, you can choose to exchange information and simply report the incident to a nearby Collision Centre instead of waiting for the police to arrive. If the other driver insists on not reporting the accident, be suspicious - there is little reason not to report the incident other than outstanding criminal or traffic related charges.
At the scene of the incident, remember to remain calm and refrain from arguing with the other drivers. Now is not the time to assign guilt or blame. Instead, gather the information you will need to report the accident to your insurance and leave the investigation to the authorities. Never assume responsibility, sign statements, or promise to pay for damages and be wary of tow truck drivers pressuring you to let them take your car to their garage. Unauthorized tow truck drivers can sometimes use the confusion of accidents to prey on unsuspecting drivers: be sure to use a respected, licenced tow truck company and get all of their information before you let them drive off with your car or you may never see it again!
Finally, preparation is the best way to deal with most unpleasant aspects of life so carry these helpful items with you whenever you drive just in case:
• A basic first aid kit;
• A disposable camera or charged smart phone with camera;
• Emergency road flares, warning triangles, or cones;
• A fire extinguisher;
• A flashlight and extra batteries;
• Bottled water;
• Booster cables;
• A tire repair kit and pump;
• A small tool kit;
• A towel;
• A pair of work gloves;
• Non-perishable food such as chocolate bars or granola bars;
• Hand wipes; and
• A thermal blanket..
Immediately after a car crash, assess injuries and what if any danger you are still in. As soon as possible, report the crash location and any injuries to you, your passengers, or other people involved in the accident. Do what you can for injured persons but do not remove them from the vehicle unless they are in immediate danger as this can make some injuries worse. Turn off the ignition in your vehicle to prevent fumes from building up and check the immediate area for dangers such as leaking fuel and fallen hydro wires.
Do not stand in the road as you may be hit by passing cars, move as far off the road as possible and use any markers or flares you have to draw attention to the accident scene and give other drivers time to stop or steer around. This is particularly important in serious crashed where vehicles cannot be moved or when on unlit country highways at night.
Photograph the crime scene if possible so as to provide as much information to the authorities as possible and then move vehicles off the road if possible. If there is little damage to any of the vehicles involved and nobody is seriously injured, you can choose to exchange information and simply report the incident to a nearby Collision Centre instead of waiting for the police to arrive. If the other driver insists on not reporting the accident, be suspicious - there is little reason not to report the incident other than outstanding criminal or traffic related charges.
At the scene of the incident, remember to remain calm and refrain from arguing with the other drivers. Now is not the time to assign guilt or blame. Instead, gather the information you will need to report the accident to your insurance and leave the investigation to the authorities. Never assume responsibility, sign statements, or promise to pay for damages and be wary of tow truck drivers pressuring you to let them take your car to their garage. Unauthorized tow truck drivers can sometimes use the confusion of accidents to prey on unsuspecting drivers: be sure to use a respected, licenced tow truck company and get all of their information before you let them drive off with your car or you may never see it again!
Finally, preparation is the best way to deal with most unpleasant aspects of life so carry these helpful items with you whenever you drive just in case:
• A basic first aid kit;
• A disposable camera or charged smart phone with camera;
• Emergency road flares, warning triangles, or cones;
• A fire extinguisher;
• A flashlight and extra batteries;
• Bottled water;
• Booster cables;
• A tire repair kit and pump;
• A small tool kit;
• A towel;
• A pair of work gloves;
• Non-perishable food such as chocolate bars or granola bars;
• Hand wipes; and
• A thermal blanket..
Remember, if you get into a car accident, keep calm and get all the information you can. Then call a legal expert at X-Copper at to see what options you have for fighting traffic charges or keeping your insurance rates from rising